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Booking a Study Room

Booking a Study Room on iNet

  • Log in to iNet using your username and password.
  • Click on the desired study room and fill out the form, including name, start, and end times.
    • Put your full first and last name for the reservation to proceed. Do not include initials. 
      • Choose Private if you do not want your name publicly visible in iNet. 
    • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the save button


  • Library patrons can submit study room reservations on each campus.
    • Colorado:         
      • Library patrons can reserve a study room up to five days in advance using the “Study Room Reservation System” on iNet. Study rooms can be reserved for up to four hours, two times a day; for 8 hours.
      • Library patrons have up to 30 minutes from the start of their reservation to arrive and claim the room. Unclaimed reservations will be canceled and become available on iNet. Library patrons who have repeated unclaimed reservations will be placed on a probationary period and required to have reservations approved by Library staff.
      • Library patrons are not permitted to leave their unattended belongings in the Library for more than thirty minutes or in a study room they have not reserved. Unattended belongings will be removed and placed behind the circulation desk during staff hours and taken to campus security after staff hours.
      • Library study rooms designated as tutor rooms may be reserved by any user; however, tutors are given priority if they wish to use those rooms. Tutors are encouraged to email to schedule a reservation beyond 24 hours.
  • Campus guests must contact to request a study room.

General Use

  • Library patrons are expected to:
    • Remove their personal belongings if they leave the Library for more than 30 minutes.
      • Alert Library staff if you anticipate being away for over 30 minutes.
    • Clean up after themselves and put items they have used back in their place.
    • Maintain a reasonable level of sound.
    • Report damaged equipment – Staff who observe any misuse, damage, or vandalism of Library equipment, furniture, or materials are expected to ask the patron to stop immediately, summon a Librarian, or contact the Security Office. All incidents will be reported to the Director of Library Services, the Director of Campus Operations, the Dean of Students or program director, the Provost, and the Director of Student Affairs.
  • Library patrons are permitted to:
    • Eat and drink (non-alcoholic beverages) in the Library. Patrons must clean up after themselves and report spills to a Library team member. Failure to maintain a clean space may result in patrons losing the privilege to bring food and drink into the Library.
  • Library patrons are not permitted to:
    • Remove Library and University property from the Library without prior approval.
    • Damage Library and/or University property.
    • Enter employee workspaces without approval.
    • Turn off overhead lights.
    • Adjust settings on classroom audio and video technology, such as computers, overhead projectors, receivers, microphones, and TV monitors.

Booking a Study Room on iNet

  • Log in to iNet using your username and password.
  • Click on the desired study room and fill out the form, including name, start, and end times.
    • Put your full first and last name for the reservation to proceed. Do not include initials. 
    • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the save button


  • Library patrons can submit study room reservations on each campus.        
    • Utah:

      • Library Patrons can reserve a study room in advance using the “Break-Out Room Reservation System” on iNet. Users can reserve a study room for up to four hours, two times a day; for 8 hours.

      • Users have up to 60 minutes from the start of their reservation to arrive and claim the room. Unclaimed reservations will be canceled and become available on iNet. Library patrons who have repeated unclaimed reservations will be placed on a probationary period and required to have reservations approved by Library staff.

      • Library patrons are not permitted to leave their unattended belongings in the Library for more than thirty minutes or in a study room that they have not reserved. Unattended belongings will be removed and placed behind the circulation desk during staff hours and taken to campus security after staff hours.

  • Campus guests must contact to request a study room.

General Use

  • Library patrons are expected to:
    • Remove their personal belongings if they leave the Library for more than 30 minutes.
      • Alert Library staff if you anticipate being away for over 30 minutes.
    • Clean up after themselves and put items they have used back in their place.
    • Maintain a reasonable level of sound.
    • Report damaged equipment – Staff who observe any misuse, damage, or vandalism of Library equipment, furniture, or materials are expected to ask the patron to stop immediately, summon a Librarian, or contact the Security Office. All incidents will be reported to the Director of Library Services, the Director of Campus Operations, the Dean of Students or program director, the Provost, and the Director of Student Affairs.
  • Library patrons are permitted to:
    • Eat and drink (non-alcoholic beverages) in the Library. Patrons must clean up after themselves and report spills to a Library team member. Failure to maintain a clean space may result in patrons losing the privilege to bring food and drink into the Library.
  • Library patrons are not permitted to:
    • Remove Library and University property from the Library without prior approval.
    • Damage Library and/or University property.
    • Enter employee workspaces without approval.
    • Turn off overhead lights.
    • Adjust settings on classroom audio and video technology, such as computers, overhead projectors, receivers, microphones, and TV monitors.

Booking a Study Room in Outlook

  • Go to Outlook Calendar to “add” from Room List. Use the "Scheduling Assistant and Room Finder" in Outlook to help locate and reserve a space.
  • Select the desired study room from the list and fill out the form, including name, and start and end times.


  • Library patrons can submit study room reservations on each campus.
    • Montana:

      • Students/Faculty can reserve a study room in advance using the “add from Room List” function in Outlook. Users can reserve a study room for up to a total of 8 hours.

      • Users have up to 30 minutes from the start of their reservation to arrive and claim the room.  Unclaimed reservations will be canceled and become available on Outlook. Library patrons who have repeated unclaimed reservations will be placed on a probationary period and required to have reservations approved by Library staff.

      • Library patrons are not permitted to leave their unattended belongings in the Library for more than thirty minutes or in a study room that they have not reserved. Unattended belongings will be removed and placed behind the circulation desk during staff hours and taken to campus security after staff hours.

  • Campus guests must contact to request a study room.

General Use

  • Library patrons are expected to:
    • Remove their personal belongings if they leave the Library for more than 30 minutes.
      • Alert Library staff if you anticipate being away for over 30 minutes.
    • Clean up after themselves and put items they have used back in their place.
    • Maintain a reasonable level of sound.
    • Report damaged equipment – Staff who observe any misuse, damage, or vandalism of Library equipment, furniture, or materials are expected to ask the patron to stop immediately, summon a Librarian, or contact the Security Office. All incidents will be reported to the Director of Library Services, the Director of Campus Operations, the Dean of Students or program director, the Provost, and the Director of Student Affairs.
  • Library patrons are permitted to:
    • Eat and drink (non-alcoholic beverages) in the Library. Patrons must clean up after themselves and report spills to a Library team member. Failure to maintain a clean space may result in patrons losing the privilege to bring food and drink into the Library.
  • Library patrons are not permitted to:
    • Remove Library and University property from the Library without prior approval.
    • Damage Library and/or University property.
    • Enter employee workspaces without approval.
    • Turn off overhead lights.
    • Adjust settings on classroom audio and video technology, such as computers, overhead projectors, receivers, microphones, and TV monitors.

Floor Maps

Room Amenities

Campus Room(s) Amenities Size Notes

Classroom 1

  • forty chairs
  • twenty tables
  • sanitizing equipment
  • two overhead cameras
  • three large wall-mounted displays
  • eight portable microphones
  • laptop
  • podium
Fits forty people

Students are welcome to use the rolling
whiteboards within the Library if needed.

The rooms has only Zoom capabilities

Classroom 2

  • twelve chairs
  • six tables
  • sanitizing equipment
  • two overhead cameras
  • one large wall-mounted displays
  • four portable microphones
  • laptop
  • podium
Fits twelve people
Campus Room(s)  Amenities Size Notes

Classroom 1

  • twenty-four chairs
  • one laptop with a monitor
  • projector with a
  • audio equipment
Fits twenty-four people

Users are welcome to use unreserved classrooms for quiet study; however, they must vacate the room before scheduled events, including set-up time.

The rooms have only Zoom capabilities

Library Classrooms may be combined if required

Classroom 2
  • twenty chairs
  • one PC with a monitor
  • projector with a screen
  • audio equipment.
Fits twenty people
Combined Classroom
  • uses equipment from
    Classroom 1
Fits fifty-two people

-There are no reservable Library classrooms on the Montana campus.

Campus Room(s) Amenities Size Notes








  • four chairs
  • one table
  • whiteboard with markers
  • sanitizing equipment
Fits 4 people Study rooms 115 and 116 are designated tutor rooms.


  • eight chairs
  • three tables
  • sanitizing equipment
Fits 6 - 8 people Students are welcome to use the rolling
whiteboards within the Library if needed.


  • six chairs
  • one table
  • whiteboard with markers
  • sanitizing equipment
Fits 6 people  
Campus Room(s)  Amenities Size Notes






  • one stationary chair
  • rolling chairs
  • one table
  • whiteboard with markers
  • sanitizing equipment
Fits 4 people Users are welcome to use unreserved classrooms for quiet study; however, they must vacate the room before scheduled events, including set-up time.
Campus Room(s)  Amenities Size Notes




  • four chairs
  • one table
  • large wall-mounted monitor
Fits 4 people



  • six chairs
  • one table
  • large wall-mounted monitor
Fits six people


  • accent chairs
  • two ottomans
  • one side table
  • large wall-mounted monitor
Fits 4 people  

Library Home | RVU Home | Campus Directory | iNet

Colorado Campus
8401 South Chambers Road
Parker, CO 80112
(720) 875-2847

Utah Campus
255 East Center Street
Ivins, UT, 84738
(435) 222-1333

Montana Campus
4130 Rocky Vista Way
Billings, MT 59106
(406) 901-2753