Recommended Databases

BMJ Case Reports

BMJ Case Reports

All Campuses Restricted to RVU
All Campuses Restricted to RVU

The BMJ Case Reports database is the single largest online collection of multi-disciplinary, peer reviewed cases in the world. There are over fifteen thousand articles, from seventy countries, covering research and clinically important information.


BMJ Case Reports Includes:

  • Downloadable PDFs

BMJ Does not Include:

  • Embedded text-to-speech

Electronic Access On Campus/Off Campus

Authentication Required through the Electronic Resources Login Portal.
Research to Publication

BMJ: Research to Publication

All Campuses Restricted to RVU
All Campuses Restricted to RVU
Alternate Name(s):Research to Publication

Research to Publication will prepare students, faculty, and staff to become a published author. Eight courses guide you through the steps associated with doing research and getting published in a high-quality journal.


BMJ Research to Publication Includes:

  • Closed captions for available videos

BMJ Research to Publication does not include:

  • Embedded text-to-speech

Electronic Access On Campus/Off Campus

Authentication Required through the Electronic Resources Login Portal.


Featured All Campuses App Available Restricted to RVU
Featured All Campuses App Available Restricted to RVU

ClinicalKey is a clinical search engine that delivers point-of-care resources to clinicians, simplifying the retrieval process and providing immediate access to relevant medical information.

ClinicalKey includes:

  • Downloadable eBook Chapter PDFs. Not all eBooks have downloadable PDFs
  • Support for third party screen readers (text-to-speech)
    • JAWS
    • NVDA
    • VoiceOver
    • Kurzweil

ClinicalKey does not include:

  • Embedded text-to-speech

Electronic Access On Campus/Off Campus

Authentication Required through the Electronic Resources Login Portal.
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

All Campuses Restricted to RVU
All Campuses Restricted to RVU

The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews database provides full text access to systematic reviews and healthcare protocols.

Electronic Access On Campus/Off Campus

Authentication Required through the Electronic Resources Login Portal.
MEDLINE Complete

MEDLINE Complete

All Campuses Restricted to RVU
All Campuses Restricted to RVU

MEDLINE Complete provides unfettered access to full-text articles from 2,300 well-known biomedical and health journals.

MedlineComplete includes:

  • Downloadable article PDFs.
  • HTML articles have embedded text-to-speech.

Electronic Access On Campus/Off Campus

Authentication Required through the Electronic Resources Login Portal.
All Campuses Restricted to RVU

The Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection provides access to more than 500 full-text journals from a wide range of subjects in the fields of psychology, behavioral sciences, and similar disciplines.

Psychology and Behavioral Science Collection includes:

  • Downloadable article PDFs.
  • HTML articles have embedded text-to-speech.

Electronic Access On Campus/Off Campus

Authentication Required through the Electronic Resources Login Portal.


Featured All Campuses Open Access
Featured All Campuses Open Access

PubMed is an ‘all-in-one’ database of more than 27 million citations for biomedical literature, life science journals, and e-books. 

The Frank Ritchel Ames Memorial Library worked with the National Library to create a unique radio button that allows our community to discover Library articles within PubMed.

Library Overviews

  1. Watch our brief overview video to learn more about PubMed. 
  2. Review our “How-To” handout to learn more about PubMed.
PubMed Central

PubMed Central (PMC)

All Campuses Open Access
All Campuses Open Access
Alternate Name(s):PMC

PubMed Central (PMC) is a free full-text archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health's National Library of Medicine (NIH/NLM).
